We were so honored to be interviewed and profiled in the March 2013 issue of Green Living Magazine! Editor Tishin Donkersley asked us questions that ranged from what’s on our 2013 travel radar and what it means to “voyage like a vixen” to little travel tidbits and tips.
From the article:
H.C. Anderson said “to travel is to live,” and sometimes, when you feel stuck, all you need is a journey to kick your spirit into high gear and set you on the right path again. Lindsay Taub and Lanee Lee, founders of Voyage Vixens, a web series and online magazine dedicated to Eat, Play, Love adventures around the globe, believe in this motto wholeheartedly. Combined, they’ve covered over 42 countries and counting. As travel journalists, they know what it takes to make a great vacation–and it’s not sitting by a pool with a magazine. Think of it as the Elizabeth Gilbert model, unpolished and on steroids.
Although traveling experts by trade and experience, even they make mistakes when on the road–sometimes innocent and sometimes outright ridiculous. Held captive by nuns in Puerto Rico? Stranded in the middle of Mexico with no money? Jumped ship in Istanbul? Hard to believe, but these are real scenarios these two women have faced, and survived to tell about it. They can’t seem to keep out of trouble. But that’s also why they travel–to figure out if they’ve got the chutzpah to get out of sticky situations and still have an incredible adventure.
As adrenaline junkies, they are always in search of the next high that will push them to their physical and emotional limits. They often joke that if they’re not wearing a helmet and a harness, something’s wrong.Like a modern-day Thelma & Louise, Lanee and Lindsay are true friends with opposing and flawed personalities just trying to figure out life’s complexities.