Considering freezing eggs as a single 40-year-old made me feel like I was a big fat failure, until I discovered this …
Baby Voyage: What it Took to Freeze My Eggs
To freeze or not to freeze my eggs? Lindsay reveals the process required to realize her goal.
I’ll Take a Shot of Hormones with a Side of Hope, Please!
A shot of hormones equals a dose of hope for Lindsay as she prepares to freeze her eggs.
Baby Voyage: Deciding to Freeze Eggs
Deciding to freeze eggs is not only a practical and financial decision, but an emotional one. Lindsay shares her decision-making journey.
Defining “Independent Woman”: Lessons from Dish Soap
What does it mean to be an “independent woman” in 2014? Lindsay weighs in on gender stereotypes and a simple lesson she learned from… dish soap.
A New Voyage Has Begun…
New Voyage: “It didn’t matter if they were Kenyan or Canadian; they shared human experience that made me think, deeply, about what I wanted.”